EL Squad

The world-renowned Japanese light dance group EL Squad (also known as the “Tron Dance” and by the name Wrecking Crew Orchestra) captivate audiences with their futuristic performances. Based in Osaka, Japan, this group has performed all over the world with their iconic electroluminescent light suits.

With their futuristic illuminated costumes, street-style dance moves, and exciting popular music, EL Squad was an immediate sensation and was used in a 2012 television commercial for cellular phones. Later, a video was uploaded onto YouTube and quickly reached over 60 million views, becoming a worldwide viral sensation.

EL Squad performance credits include a long list of nationwide and international events and media appearances. Overseas, starting with Las Vegas and Dubai, the group has performed in over 20 countries including Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Kazakhstan. EL Squad performances continue to evolve.


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Japan's top event production company, empire entertainment japan produces music, press, product launch, keynote, premiere and experiential events for many of the world's most respected brands. Empire's award winning video and film production team produces commercials, film, Internet shorts and viral videos for our many clients. Empire Artists represents top talent from genres such as video, dance, fashion, technology and variety performance for both corporate and theatrical engagements. Artists represented by Empire Artists include, enra, Marco Tempest, Alexa Meade, Han Ahn Soon, Yo-Yo world champion Black, Circus of Now and Taiko performers Mico Rhythm. Empire Entertainment Japan, based in Tokyo, is the premier experimential marketing and corporate event production agency in Japan.